Thursday, May 6, 2010

Liar, Liar... Pants on the ground

Felix and I are at a stalemate. First thing this week, I get an email fromthe mother of one of his classmates. She has graciously added my new baby niece to the prayer list at church and would like to know her name. I thanked her for the kindness, but was baffled by why a new baby warranted being added to the prayer list.

Evidently, Felix brought a pic into Circle time (aka show and tell) of the baby in the NICU. Of course, this disturbed his classmates and one girl went home telling her mom all about Felix's sick baby cousin. Hence the prayer list. The problem is that his cousin is neither sick or in the NICU. He had taken a picture from home of Oscar and told all his classmates it was his niece.

This is only slightly more embarrassing than the time he told his whole class and teacher that his Dad was in Connecticut visiting his baby sister that lives with another Mom.

However, the icing on the cake was when Felix pulled his pants down at the zoo splash pad so water could shoot up his butt. Needless to say, we left immediately.

I am afraid if the pathological lying and nudity are this bad at four, what the hell is fourteen going to look like?

1 comment:

  1. Bwaa hahaha! I LOVE it!!!! Glad you got your blog groove back.
