Sunday, September 13, 2009

She is soo fake...

You know those people who seem to have the need to profess ad nauseum how great they are and how their life and kids are absolutely perfect (ahem not this blog.. I would never be one of those people;). It usually comes off as fake and insincere, especially when coupled with other details. Anyway, I was thinking maybe those people are practicing my favorite enlightened principle - Fake it till you Make it.

I mean isn't it better to act happy even if it is fake, then to bitch and complain and be miserable all the time. This isn't to mean that Seis, never has a bad day. Friday I had to lend my BIL a 1000$ to get out of jail. Which I am quite sure, was one of the worst decisions I have ever made. However, I had to look on the bright side. So I got gussied up, and went to Bunco and told everyone that I at least did the right thing. In theory, if it was Felix and Oscar, I would want their wife to lend the money. BlueMomma was nice and didn't call me an idiot, and I had too much to drink. After a couple of hours of drinking and faking it, I really did feel better.

So, next time you think that lady who talks about how great her marriage is, or how her kids are secret rocket scientists, and how all her friends are the coolest is full of shit.. just remember... she probably is, but maybe it is her way of dealing. Plus, I much rather hear how great some one's life is than how shitty it is.

“If you haven't got it. Fake it! Too short? Wear big high heels, but do practice walking!” - Victoria Beckham

1 comment:

  1. I tell people their shit stinks. I think real friends are suppose to do that. Although, mine does not. ;)
